21 February

Quartz Part 1

QA Manager and Business Analyst Amy Moses demonstrates some of the new features in the latest product release, Quartz. Provided are demonstrations of Case Sharing, Bulk User Edits and Subcompetencies. Also discussed are Organization Structure improvements and an introduction to …

24 January

Making the Most of Your TotalCAREiQ coverage

EMS Customer Success Manager Chris Qualtieri and Regional Sales Manager Mike Brookhouser discussed the benefits of each level of TotalCAREiQ Support to make you aware of all the hardware and educational benefits you are entitled to.

06 December

Organization Structure with Dr. Daniel Backlund

SIMULATIONIQ user Dr. Daniel Backlund of Texas Tech (TTUHSC Simulation Program (Abilene, Dallas, Lubbock, & Odessa)) presents his Presentation from this year’s EMS Summit. He shares ideas on how as their simulation center grows, the need to delegate common tasks in …

08 November

Manage Complex OSCEs 2

In the second part of the extended webinar, John Kyle discusses Assessment and scheduling for complex OSCEs.

08 November

Manage Complex OSCEs 1

SIMULATIONiQ user John Kyle presents tips on scheduling complex OSCEs with the program. This is part 1 of 2 for this extended webinar.