21 November

Making the Case for SP Cases

The Customer Success Team provides an overview of SP functionality for Task Trainers and more. Also included is information about Sharing cases.

17 October

Dedicated Dashboards in SIMULATIONiQ

The Customer Success team explains how you can use a dedicated dashboard in an OSCE workflow where the learner leaves the exam room and goes to the dedicated computer to complete their Post Encounter. And in the room, the SP …

19 September

Competencies in SIMULATIONiQ

In this webinar, CSM’s Leslie McChesney and Rob Natale explain how to map competencies to cases and pull a report to see results.  

15 August

Paging Schedules- from a user

This webinar is presented by SIMULATIONIQ user, Mike Kelley, Simulation Technologist at the HEB Clinical Skills Center, UT Health San Antonio. He can be reached at Mike presented a variation of this topic at this year’s user Summit. The …

13 June

Curbing AV issues

Chris Qualtieri, Customer Success Manager and Tadashi (Tad) Matsuura Senior AV Support Engineer provide tips for SIMULATIONIQ’s Audio visual components based on common client issues we have seen. The aim is to proactively make sure that your SIMULATIONIQ AV system …

18 April

Scheduling an IPE OSCE: Tips from a SIMULATIONiQ User

In this webinar, featured SIMULATIONiQ user Jason Konzelmann from DeSales University provides tips on scheduling SP-based simulation through SIMULATIONiQ. Jason will share how he prepared for a big IPE event by scheduling the day’s activities and participants with the help …

21 March

Quartz Part 2

Amy Moses, QA Manager and Business Systems Analyst concludes the demonstration of the Quartz Release of SIMULATIONiQ Enterprise with a demo of the By Pass room, Manual Paging, Telemedicine, LTI integration and Session Evaluator improvements.